Oracle Eyes is the service name of an AI-based blockchain fortune-telling service. Oracle means a seer who can predict the future, and Oracle Eyes means a service that can see the future through divination.
An AI-generated master draws a one-of-a-kind amulet for the world. The one and only amulet in the world. I'm not afraid of my future anymore
Oracle Eyes is an AI-powered blockchain fortune-telling service. Oracle Eyes offers AI-powered prophets to consult your future.
Oracle Eyes is designed to provide Oracle Token rewards to users who participate in the fortune-telling service. Users can consult their future with an AI fortune teller that matches their personality, wear amulets for psychological comfort, and earn OracleTokens in various ways along the way.
Amulets have been around for thousands of years, but mass-produced amulets pose a validation problem for their history and originality over time. Amulets are cultural and artifacts that reflect a time and context. In the case of NFT amulets, the authenticity of the amulet can still be verified even after 100 years.
Oracle Eyes will be available as an Android app. PC and iso support will be available later.